Reporting working time utilization

Reporting working time utilization

If your industry’s working time is divided into projects provided to a client and the so-called bench time, you can use SAP to automate reports submitted to line managers, thereby relieving HR personnel from work. For example, if a company requires 80% utilization a month, the robot may find employees who have not reached the level or (on the contrary) have exceeded it. Once every 30 days, the robot can download information on the utilization of given employees from SAP and generate an Excel report based on it. If during this process, employees are selected whose utilization levels are too low or too high, the software sends an email reminder to applicable line managers who can take steps to clarify the situation. A similar process and mechanism can be used, e.g., to calculate bonuses according to a specific formula (algorithm) based on specific guidelines. For example, the level of utilization can affect remuneration for a given month.



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