Inspirations’ Catalog


At companies using the SAP system daily, the process of checking the validity of tax codes can be easily automated, eliminating the risk of error and relieving staff from tedious...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Medium
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Public Sector
The robots support public sector agencies that use electronic forms and e-mails through which the public uses government services. Routine inquiries are handled thanks automatically to a suitably integrated platform,...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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A process that will give finance workers more peace of mind is definitely the automatic monitoring of transactions made by customers. With the participation of a robot, it is possible...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Process of purchasing consumables, hardware and licenses for corporate employees using the client’s internal system.  
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Small
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The process of deleting from the SAP system entries of errors that occurred during the production process.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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TradeTransport and Logistic
The robot works in the process of verifying order values on invoices. It is of particular help in itemizing individual components (e.g. parts required for car production). The software then...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
More >
HealthcareManufacturingPublic Sector
In addition to sending all kinds of submissions to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), the application robots can also retrieve sick leave notes issued by doctors from the payer’s (employer’s)...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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The functionalities offered by the RPA include the automatic transmission of documents for various purposes, including those processed by the ZUS “Płatnik” system (e.g. social insurance personal forms). Thanks to...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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For an online sales process of a leasing provider, the robot has improved its efficiency in leasing goods, vehicles, real estate, and other items via auction portals and its website....
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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The robots work great in documenting and managing the contributions that the company pays for individual employees to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). The robot logs in to the PUE...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Small
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RPA streamlines the HR department’s processes by handling the formalities when hiring new employees. Based on the data entered into the system, the robot generates the documents necessary for the...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Using online requests processed by robots, it is possible to quickly and easily complete many banking operations without leaving home, including those that protect one’s account from access by unauthorized...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Robots are extremely helpful in assigning incoming messages from customers to appropriate categories. After being appropriately labeled, e-mails are sent to the relevant units within the organization, which allows not...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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With the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP), robots extract hidden senses and meaning from unstructured content, i.e., for example, conduct sentiment research (i.e., the emotional nature of a message)....
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Public Sector
The robots support public sector agencies that use electronic forms and e-mails through which the public uses government services. Routine inquiries are handled automatically thanks to a suitably integrated platform,...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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The good thing about the RPA is that it allows the creation of a master database of suppliers (e.g. in the SAP application) by adding new profiles to the system...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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This robot makes life easier where the accounting and banking systems need to be interfaced.   Every morning, it logs into the bank and retrieves the statements for the previous...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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RPA can relieve humans of unpleasant collection tasks. The robot by itself checks the invoice payment dates in the company’s internal system and based on the compiled data it generates...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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Robot solutions can make fleet management much simpler. Among other things, they can validate data in a specific system (e.g. offered by Polish Orlen gas stations), check the status of...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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Production controlling automation. The robot performing this process is run 4 times a day. It checks in the system how many deliveries there were, and how much product was shipped...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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The robot freed the employees from the extremely monotonous and tedious task of manually keying in data into an ERP system (such as SAP). The monthly increase in the number...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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Robots also support the work of controlling departments. Based on the user-supplied data, the robot triggers calculations in the ERP system (e.g. SAP). Working in a closed loop, the robot...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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To achieve the highest quality of order processing, it is worth ensuring that invoice payments are verified automatically. The robot can download a given document from an e-mail attachment, read...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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To achieve the highest quality of order processing, it is worth ensuring that invoice payments are verified automatically. The robot can download a given document from an e-mail attachment, read...
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
More >
With the help of electronic applications handled by robots, many banking operations can be completed quickly and easily without leaving home, including those that protect our account from access by...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Data security is definitely one of the most critical issues on the current agenda of many organizations and governments.
Complexity: Medium, Simple
Benefits: Big
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To be able to benefit from robotization in the area of order forms, you only need to complete an Excel file.
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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The process of validating invoices issued by suppliers (e.g., for components necessary for production) for completeness can be fully or partially automated.
Complexity: Medium, Simple
Benefits: Big
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With robots, you can significantly improve the process of reporting damage caused by traffic accidents, while at the same time reducing operating costs and creating a unique user experience.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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An area of possible robotization is checking contractual as well as insurance expiry deadlines. For example, when a policy expires, the right software can send a prompt containing such information...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Since logging in to services, such as Outlook, and email is not a problem for robots, you can use them to filter messages according to predefined criteria.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Public Sector
An automated invoicing process is far from complicated as it can be based entirely on the company's internal management system.
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Medium
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Robots can also relieve HR personnel from work, by supporting them in, among other things, the process of greeting new employees and saying goodbye to those who decide to part...
Complexity: Simple, Tricky
Benefits: Small
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As in the case of working time utilization and other data based on figures, robots can help to control the number of days used and available under holiday entitlement.
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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If your company engages in importing customs goods from abroad, you must certainly be familiar with the challenge of monitoring and updating customs tariffs that impact production costs.
Complexity: Medium, Tricky, Tricky
Benefits: Big
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Large companies, divided into departments, can benefit from automating processes used to transfer information on payments due and settled.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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If your industry's working time is divided into projects provided to a client and the so-called bench time, you can use SAP to automate reports submitted to line managers, thereby...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Robotization can be extremely helpful in reading invoice data and posting invoices. A complete document handling process, from receipt to submission for approval, can take only 2–5 hours.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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RPA can also support banking in the area of reporting on tax data within the country. The robots facilitate contact with authorities and have the ability to search internal systems
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Automation has found many applications in banking to optimize and improve processes while easing the workforce's burden.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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The robots can support companies and other institutions in managing their calendars and schedules. They will be particularly helpful in the medical sector and the everyday work of hospitals and...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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In addition to diagnosis based on X-rays and blood count, robotization also enables the transfer of laboratory tests results to a database, from where they will be automatically sent directly...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Transport and Logistic
RPA is widely used in the logistics and freight forwarding and logistics industry. Robots can, among other things, plan and track shipments, update order status and secure proofs of delivery.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Public Sector
As with official forms, entering contracts (e.g., lease or sale of the property) into systems (e.g., municipal property management) can be improved.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Application robots can support sales teams, HR departments, and headhunting or marketing activities by making contact and sending messages, invitations, follow-ups, or reminders to potential customers/candidates.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Thanks to RPA, you can speed up the daily process of calculating company profits and losses and save a lot of resources and computational power.
Complexity: Simple
Benefits: Big
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In addition to the traditional classification of laboratory test results, robots and their algorithms can be used to filter test results for specific diseases.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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The care of patients who have had a period of hospitalization can be improved by automatically sending the necessary information and recommendations electronically, which would be approved in advance by...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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Elements of artificial intelligence are also used in medicine, supporting healthcare professionals in diagnostics and inpatient prioritization.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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As in the case of vehicle damage verification, robots can support you when assessing property and human damage to speed up the reporting time...
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Big
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In industries that require customer service and data handling (such as banking, for example), a common problem is the lack of unification and general access to information.
Complexity: Medium
Benefits: Medium
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